after we all heard of the guy that invented motion control for dreamcast, it appears that Nintendo took ''not reinvent the wheel'' too seriously.By accident I was looking information on the dreamcast only to pickup this line from the article:
Sega will introduce an animated world of Dreamcast characters that ''live'' inside your console
I wonder where that Mii's idea came from. Is the Wii , Dreamcast done right ?
I don't know, Ill leave it to you to discuss. here is the Full article, the line is at the last 2 paragraphs. Wii and the Dreamcast again
I also remember seeing a Wii like controller :P
BTW Dreamcast is amazing The Wii and the Dreamcast again
Motion sensing has been around for years before DC, it was only by a stroke of luck that somebody thought to make it one handed (and only because of Metroid that the nunchuck came about).Mii's aren't that new an idea, its basically just an avatar with a twist of sims characters.
actually, the wiimote's motion sensing is descendant from the power glove. the only outside influence in it is the IR pointer
The Wii does it better, so what's the problem?
[QUOTE=''GunSmith1_basic''] actually, the wiimote's motion sensing is descendant from the power glove. the only outside influence in it is the IR pointer[/QUOTE]The WiiMote and power Glove are completely different. If I remember right, the Glove used ultrasonic sound and 3 mics placed around the tv to sense position. There was no motion sensing built into the Glove.
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