Friday, April 16, 2010

I am so friggin' pumped for Ninja Gaiden ...

It may not be more than an AA game on the DS, but I have to admit, I've been excited about Ninja Gaiden since day 1. Any naysayers, please feel free to check out any gameplay clip and tell me otherwise, but like God of War on the PSP, I think this will be one of the defining action games on its platform.What do the rest of you think?I am so friggin' pumped for Ninja Gaiden ...
This year the DS is being bombarded with RPG games and I hate RPG games. Ninja Gaiden was one of the only games this year that I'm excited for.In all honesty though, it's a mistake buying a DS unless you know the type of games it offers. It seems like it's all either puzzle, 2d platforming or RPG game. I'm dead sick of it. I wish I had a PSP instead. Ahh okay. Glad I got that out of my system.I am so friggin' pumped for Ninja Gaiden ...
[QUOTE=''Lyphe2k'']This year the DS is being bombarded with RPG games and I hate RPG games. Ninja Gaiden was one of the only games this year that I'm excited for.In all honesty though, it's a mistake buying a DS unless you know the type of games it offers. It seems like it's all either puzzle, 2d platforming or RPG game. I'm dead sick of it. I wish I had a PSP instead. Ahh okay. Glad I got that out of my system.[/QUOTE]Ya, I;ve been tempted by a PSP lately as well....there are a few gems out there for it, but it's tough to guess whether there are enough worthwhile ones to justify a purchase.Oh, and regarding your sig: sorry to have to tell you, but Insecticide really sucks. It looked promising, but the weak combat system really kill it.
I'm excited because of the fact that it's an action that SUCEEDS in using touch screen controls. Proves the naysayers that say that the DS can't do action wrong.
I'm excited for NG: DS as well, but I won't be able to play it till the summer probably unless a friend buys it. I'm pretty much broke till summer, so my handheld buy has to go to FF7: Crisis Core instead of GoW: CoO and NG: DS. Sad, I know. :cry:
it looks pretty cool, i'm getting it to tide me over until ng2 is released.

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