Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wii Tennis vs PS2 Tennis

Besides being a pack in game, is there any reasons why the characters in Wii sports are sooo damn minimalistic? Check out those screenshots for the '07 PS2 game Hot Shots Tennis. Those characters are minimally designed, why couldn't Wii tennis look like this? Is it Nintendo saving money? The Wii characters are designed like Hasbro toys for 2 year olds. Why?Wii Tennis vs PS2 Tennis
No comments from sheep?Wii Tennis vs PS2 Tennis
cause miis are ment to be incredibly simplistic cartoony arvatars?
Because Miis are made by the users and keeping them relatively simple makes them accessible for everyone and easier to put yourself into the game.
yeah it's a shame they are developed so poorly. I don't think the sports games are as fun when using Hasbro characters.
I don't know. I was really dissipointed with Miis.I don't care that they look simple. But what's up with the low poly count?
Because Wiisports is just a super low budget tech demo. Virtua Tennis on the Dreamcast had better looking characters and was a lot deeper and more fun to play.
[QUOTE=''Relys'']I don't know. I was really dissipointed with Miis.I don't care that they look simple. But what's up with the low poly count? [/QUOTE]I have also been a little disappointed in them also....I want to be able to make more changes, I feel like they are very limited to what they can do. Plus they are ugly...I do enjoy Wiisports so in the end it ok I guess just wish they would have done a little better job at it

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