Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Which of these is the most annoying defe ...

I think these are all over-used.- I don't know why people say the PS3 has no good games. I played all these games and loved them... Resistance, Warhawk, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: TOD, plus all the multiplats that actually matter: Oblivion, COD4, GH3...- As far as the comment ''the Wii only has casual games'', thats not true. It has a fair share of games that are challenging to a more ''hardcore gamer''. Now ive played Zelda: TP on the gamecube and it had some tricky puzzles, I couldn't imagine how difficult it would be to play through it using wii-mote controls. - And about the Xbox 360 RROD issues, this is just way to over-used. 15-25% failure rate is alot, but some fanboys talk as if it was 40-50%.Which of these is the most annoying defe ...
if anyone thinks the ps3 has no games they need to check themselves.Which of these is the most annoying defe ...
I don't see anything wrong with the 3rd option.
I couldn't find a PC based comment.
all of them are annoying, but ''teh RROD'' is my least favorite.
They're all annoying, but the Wii one really annoys me
The most annoying defensive comment is made by fanboys when their facts get disputed and the only thing they can do is to say'' bu but it's just mah opinion!''
They're all equally annoying.
[QUOTE=''Logan832'']I couldn't find a PC based comment.[/QUOTE]PCs are so expensive to build is one of the big ones. Or that they require new hardware every year or something. But I would go with the PS3 has no games. If that were the case, I wouldn't be having so much fine with mine all this time of owning it.
I think the most annoying ''defensive'' comment that gets the most votes just means its true that's why it's so annoying.
I think the red ring of death one is the most annoying. All are annoying and inaccurate.
I find the PS3 no games comment is way overused and annoying since i do have one and i have plenty of games for it....Its another excuse to bash the console. First it was the console was to expensive now its no games. RROD is way overused also but i do not have one so i don't find it as annoying. For the PC it would have to be the constant barrage of you have to spend like 2000$ to play ''_____'' game. Though i have to admit i've used it a couple of times but i'm just jealous cause i don't have a computer that can make my ps3 graphics look like garbage haha.
None, all the fanboys are bloody idiots so it doesn't bother me.
all of em are pretty annoying
[QUOTE=''ReverseCycology'']I think the most annoying ''defensive'' comment that gets the most votes just means its true that's why it's so annoying.[/QUOTE]Or they are just quick outs used by fanboys to try to win an argument when they aren't as big of a deal as they are made out to be. The PS3 has great games. Many people who own a 360 do not go through the RROD, and those that do say its annoying but they still love their 360. The Wii is not kiddy. There are a few mature games on the system now, plenty of T rated games, plus if a game is kiddy but fun, who cares? I'd play it as long as I enjoy it. All those comments are very annoying.
[QUOTE=''Logan832'']I couldn't find a PC based comment.[/QUOTE]I say this alot, but it always proves itself: when talking about video games only pc gamers remember the PC.
actualy i keep hearing many things about pc like you need a 2000$ pc to play crysis and great graphical games
I guess ''the ps3 has no games'' comment is the most annoying.
I think the 360 dies to much is way old. I don't know a single person (that means in real life) that has ever had an Xbox die on them. The failure rate isn't huge, but I know it happens too much, but fanboys make it seem as though every other console will get RROD.
Those who say that PS3 has no games, and also those who thinks the Wii is competely aiming at Casuals, need to have their eyes check.
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