Friday, April 16, 2010

Is Okami really as good as Zelda?

When Okami was first announced for the wii I was set on buying it. I looked at the video footage for the wii version and I'm not impressed. Looks exacally like the PS2 version. The fighting looks boreing because when you fight it goes into that arena. With SSBB just out, GTA IV out in April as well as Mario Kart Wii is this game worth checking out? Is it really that good?Is Okami really as good as Zelda?
imo, Okami is better.Is Okami really as good as Zelda?
Better IMHO.
You were unimpressed by how it looked like the ps2 version? you do realize it is a port right? I am unimpressed with your post.I for one am buying it again. i loved the game. It was my pick for GOTY 06. I cant wait to control the celistial bursh with the wiimote. All the previews say it works so much better than the orginal dual analog controls. It is deffinatly worth playing through again, that is how good it is. I would say it is as good as a Zelda game. I walk not rank it up with Majoras mask or link to the past (my two favs.) but it would stand its ground against twighlight princess and windwaker.
not as good as zelda IMO, but still a great game and worth playing
Nothing does the Zelda formula better than Zelda: FACT.
Depends on who you ask. Is Okami better than all the Zelda games.......probably not. Zelda: LttP is one of my all time favorite games. However, Okami is my favorite PS2 game, and better than the recent iterations of Zelda IMO. So I'd say Okami is AT LEAST as good as Zelda. Give it a shot.
If you could be bothered playing Zelda you won't be dissapointed by Okami, its pretty much what Zelda should be by now.
Okami is great, better than some Zelda games (more recent iterations). I played through the PS2 version, but will probably buy the Wii version to play it again.
I would skip SSBB and play Okami if it came down to one , but that is just me.
I have only played through a 3rd of the game, so i can't answer this with an absolute, but most reviewers said that it came pretty close to a Zelda ''clone'' but still not quite. This was mostly due to Zelda's overwhelmingly better gameplay, dungeons, and level design. The story and graphics may be better subjectively...But I would still say that Zelda is king for this type of game.....Look at gamerankings Zelda/9.5..... Okami/9.0.To the topic creator: I would still definitely buy this game. I stopped playing it on the PS2 because I wanted to play it on the Wii. In fact, I would put this type of game miles ahead of such games as the GTA series for art design and originality alone.
Ive never played Okami, so I cant give a Un biased opinon.
I thought Okami was better. Although it got a little off the wall at the end it was still one of the most epic games I've ever played. Nothing quite like being a god.
[QUOTE=''shaggygrosser'']imo, Okami is better.[/QUOTE]Agreed.
Well i consider Okami to be the third best game i have ever played. Zelda isn't even among my top 50.
The fighting does get rather repetitive, but it's also entirely avoidable in most non-dungeon cases, so it's only a problem if you make it a problem. Zelda is probably a bit better in terms of level design and combat, but Okami feels way more original thanks to the art style and brush-stroke mechanic, and its story is far ahead of what Zelda has been doing (not that that's hard).
Which Zelda game? Okami was really good, maybe better than Windwaker...
Okami > ZeldaTP imo.
More refreshing yes.

But overall Zelda usually does and is better. TP was just too much of a rehash.Still a 9.0 but atleast Okami felt refreshing.
The last Zelda game I've really played was Windwaker, and I can say that Okami is better.

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