Friday, April 16, 2010

Why Not having a Blu-Ray Player may effe ...

MS basically said tehy dont need a Blu-Ray player, which is about half true. Will not having a Blu-Ray player effect teh 360 in the Short Term? No, becasue they still have great games for people to buy. However, it has a Big chance of effecting them in the long term if they dont have atleast a External Drive for sale. As more and more HDTVs get sold, people are going to want to be able to play games and movies on those nice TVs. 360 has the Games part down, however they dont have the Movie part down. Keep in mind though the Blu-Ray Market is still a bit of a niche market, but more and more people are going to want to have HD gaming and HD movies without buying a Console and standalone player (which combined will cost about almost 700 bucks all together if you get a Arcade SKU (cheapest model) and a Standalone BD Player (about 350-400) and when these people (although their a Minority of Consumers probaly) go to a Store to get a HD gaming console and see that if tehy wanted to get HD gaming and a HD movie palyer, tehy would have to put down a Ridiculous amount of money because they had to buy them seperatly. This only makes PS3 more appealing becasue you get both in the same 400 dollar box. Although keep in mind this way of thinking may not happen for another year or so. I personally always thought that this gen, MS Focused to much on the NOW, rather than the later. In contrast, I always thought SONY focused too much on the Later rather than the NOW this gen. If we look at these potential Factors, it becomes a Question of ''when MS gets a Blu-Ray addon'' not ''IF'' These are my opinons however so of course you may not agree with them. I was just pondering this today and thought I would share. Why Not having a Blu-Ray Player may effe ...
IMO It doesn't hurt the 360 as much as it HELPS the ps3Why Not having a Blu-Ray Player may effe ...
Microsoft's conclusion that digital distribution is the future is pretty laughable and makes me wonder if Sony didn't tell them where to stick it when it comes to putting a BD drive in the Xbox 360. Analysts say this and companies say that but it all comes down to consumers and our desire for tangible ownership. Having the packaging, the pullout packet, the sweet looking cover, the physical disc. We have purchased something we can hold in our hands. Since DD does not fulfill this want, I suspect Blu-Ray will have a better future than MS has envisioned. Heck, just look at which HD media format they backed for proof they don't always pick the right horse.
[QUOTE=''Newsboy'']Microsoft's conclusion that digital distribution is the future is pretty laughable and makes me wonder if Sony didn't tell them where to stick it when it comes to putting a BD drive in the Xbox 360. Analysts say this and companies say that but it all comes down to consumers and our desire for tangible ownership. Having the packaging, the pullout packet, the sweet looking cover, the physical disc. We have purchased something we can hold in our hands. Since DD does not fulfill this want, I suspect Blu-Ray will have a better future than MS has envisioned. Heck, just look at which HD media format they backed for proof they don't always pick the right horse.[/QUOTE] In order for DD to take off there has to be quit a few factors. Just to name a Few: 1. Dirt Cheap hard Drives 2. Dirt Cheap LARGE Hardrives. 3. Alot more houses will need to have DD Syestems connected to their TVs. (not jsut 360) 4. Internet Speeds and Bandwidth need to be Expanded and increased greatly. I dont like waiting 60 minutes to get a HD movie of marketplace.
Digitial distribution probably is the future but how long will it take? MP3s have been around for like 10 years but Ipods are just now becoming the norm, and CDs are still a force. How long will movies and other entertainment take to become the norm?Sony reached with putting Blu Ray and the Cell in the ps3, but M$ is reaching way further with this. Doesn't affect the games though, just an odd business move
[QUOTE=''f50p90''] Digitial distribution probably is the future but how long will it take? MP3s have been around for like 10 years but Ipods are just now becoming the norm, and CDs are still a force. How long will movies and other entertainment take to become the norm?Sony reached with putting Blu Ray and the Cell in the ps3, but M$ is reaching way further with this. Doesn't affect the games though, just an odd business move[/QUOTE] Music works with DD because people are tired of buying an 18 dollar CD for one or two songs. Not to mention taking music on the go is the thing to do and having your entire music collection in the palm of your hand is convinient. Movies are not the same expereince. You dont wanna buy part of a movie, you dont wanna enjoy them on the go in a small screen and many people love the collectors edition with speacial box.Movies and music are two very different markets and DD will only hurt places like blockbuster and netflix, not the buying movie market.
I still think this is a bunch of bs, and a Blu-Ray add-on will be announced at E3. Where there is smoke there is usually fire, and there were a heck of alot of reports about MS attempting to get the a-ok.
[QUOTE=''dru26'']I still think this is a bunch of bs, and a Blu-Ray add-on will be announced at E3. Where there is smoke there is usually fire, and there were a heck of alot of reports about MS attempting to get the a-ok.[/QUOTE] Or it could just be ganja. It seems MS is stuck between a rock and a hard place. A blu ray add on would be way up in price because those things arn't cheap and they would have to pay liscencing. I don't think it would sell very well. But pushing it DD way before it's time wouldn't fare too well either
Ganja makes up 90% of these boards :)But honestly, I wouldn't even buy a Blue Ray addon for 360. Something else to help burn it out.I don't understand why the GAME console war, is becoming about the movie format anyway...It may help PS3 hardware, but we have to see how much it honestly helps software sales.
[QUOTE=''black_awpN1''] [QUOTE=''Newsboy'']Microsoft's conclusion that digital distribution is the future is pretty laughable and makes me wonder if Sony didn't tell them where to stick it when it comes to putting a BD drive in the Xbox 360. Analysts say this and companies say that but it all comes down to consumers and our desire for tangible ownership. Having the packaging, the pullout packet, the sweet looking cover, the physical disc. We have purchased something we can hold in our hands. Since DD does not fulfill this want, I suspect Blu-Ray will have a better future than MS has envisioned. Heck, just look at which HD media format they backed for proof they don't always pick the right horse.[/QUOTE] In order for DD to take off there has to be quit a few factors. Just to name a Few: 1. Dirt Cheap hard Drives 2. Dirt Cheap LARGE Hardrives. 3. Alot more houses will need to have DD Syestems connected to their TVs. (not jsut 360) 4. Internet Speeds and Bandwidth need to be Expanded and increased greatly. I dont like waiting 60 minutes to get a HD movie of marketplace. [/QUOTE] 1- agreed
2- Agreed
3- Ok
4- wrong. ITs plent fast enough. WHen the download hits almost 5% you can start playing. As you play the movie, the movie continues to download.

What really needs to happen is them fixing up the movie rental. It should not be 24 hours after you play it. It should be unlimited for a week. Heck you should be allowed to buy the downloaded movie as well.
[QUOTE=''Javy03''][QUOTE=''f50p90''] Digitial distribution probably is the future but how long will it take? MP3s have been around for like 10 years but Ipods are just now becoming the norm, and CDs are still a force. How long will movies and other entertainment take to become the norm?Sony reached with putting Blu Ray and the Cell in the ps3, but M$ is reaching way further with this. Doesn't affect the games though, just an odd business move[/QUOTE] Music works with DD because people are tired of buying an 18 dollar CD for one or two songs. Not to mention taking music on the go is the thing to do and having your entire music collection in the palm of your hand is convinient. Movies are not the same expereince. You dont wanna buy part of a movie, you dont wanna enjoy them on the go in a small screen and many people love the collectors edition with speacial box.Movies and music are two very different markets and DD will only hurt places like blockbuster and netflix, not the buying movie market.[/QUOTE]Thing is, most people who have the capability to download movies, will likely pirate it.
[QUOTE=''thrones''][QUOTE=''Javy03''][QUOTE=''f50p90''] Digitial distribution probably is the future but how long will it take? MP3s have been around for like 10 years but Ipods are just now becoming the norm, and CDs are still a force. How long will movies and other entertainment take to become the norm?Sony reached with putting Blu Ray and the Cell in the ps3, but M$ is reaching way further with this. Doesn't affect the games though, just an odd business move[/QUOTE] Music works with DD because people are tired of buying an 18 dollar CD for one or two songs. Not to mention taking music on the go is the thing to do and having your entire music collection in the palm of your hand is convinient. Movies are not the same expereince. You dont wanna buy part of a movie, you dont wanna enjoy them on the go in a small screen and many people love the collectors edition with speacial box.Movies and music are two very different markets and DD will only hurt places like blockbuster and netflix, not the buying movie market.[/QUOTE]Thing is, most people who have the capability to download movies, will likely pirate it.[/QUOTE] Exactly and HDD crash often, imagine losing you whole movie collection in one moment. Who cares if you can redownload it all back, that would take so much time.Also most sites would not be prepared to handle the kind of downloading flow that would happen every week when a new movie releases and millions of people are downloading a 15GB HD movie.
If Netflix and MS team up to provide DD through the 360 via a subscription plan then I'll never watch another DVD again. That'd be it for me. Screw getting disks in the mail. My only gripe about XBLM movies is having to pay per movie. I'd rather just have one monthly fee.
I don't see it as a problem for MS at all...Odds are, hardcore gamers that have the $ to go HD...own both consoles anyways :)No gamer in their right mind would buy a 360 and a stand alone BD player...ever. They'd always go 360+Ps3...therefore a 360 BD would be completely useless.Thanks to Blu-Ray, the ps3 userbase is pretty much guaranteed to vastly dwarf that of the 360...but the difference won't be reflected much in software sales (i.e. where MS-GS/SCE make their money :P) The best example of this would be the ps2.
[QUOTE=''black_awpN1''][QUOTE=''Newsboy'']Microsoft's conclusion that digital distribution is the future is pretty laughable and makes me wonder if Sony didn't tell them where to stick it when it comes to putting a BD drive in the Xbox 360. Analysts say this and companies say that but it all comes down to consumers and our desire for tangible ownership. Having the packaging, the pullout packet, the sweet looking cover, the physical disc. We have purchased something we can hold in our hands. Since DD does not fulfill this want, I suspect Blu-Ray will have a better future than MS has envisioned. Heck, just look at which HD media format they backed for proof they don't always pick the right horse.[/QUOTE] In order for DD to take off there has to be quit a few factors. Just to name a Few: 1. Dirt Cheap hard Drives 2. Dirt Cheap LARGE Hardrives. 3. Alot more houses will need to have DD Syestems connected to their TVs. (not jsut 360) 4. Internet Speeds and Bandwidth need to be Expanded and increased greatly. I dont like waiting 60 minutes to get a HD movie of marketplace. [/QUOTE]1. it's here.2. it's here. 3. getting more popular. really tivo and pvr's are the start of that. apple tv as well.4. BD won't over take the DVD for many years. by then fiber-optic might be more prevalent. they certainly show enough of the commercials in my area.
[QUOTE=''Bgrngod''] If Netflix and MS team up to provide DD through the 360 via a subscription plan then I'll never watch another DVD again. That'd be it for me. Screw getting disks in the mail. My only gripe about XBLM movies is having to pay per movie. I'd rather just have one monthly fee.[/QUOTE]Honestly I can't see them doing an unlimited subscription...for the same reason they won't send you 30 dvds at a time :P Cheap bastards :evil:
I think when it comes to DD everyone says ''it's the future'' but then, you've got to put yourself there. Would you really do it if you had a choice? The only way DD becomes a standard is if they no longer give us a choice.
I think people are overestimating Blu-ray. Yes it just a A format war, but not THE format war. DVD is still king and Blu-ray flicks still cost 25 bucks and up in the big box stores (Best buy, etc.) while DVDs are half that..While the PS3 having a built in BD drive helps it, it isn't hurting MS as much as you'd think. MS seems to be doing a pretty good job of it themselves.
[QUOTE=''heretrix''] I think people are overestimating Blu-ray. Yes it just a A format war, but not THE format war. DVD is still king and Blu-ray flicks still cost 25 bucks and up in the big box stores (Best buy, etc.) while DVDs are half that..While the PS3 having a built in BD drive helps it, it isn't hurting MS as much as you'd think. MS seems to be doing a pretty good job of it themselves.[/QUOTE] Same could be said about DVD overcoming VHS. Or CD's overtaking cassettes.
[QUOTE=''The_Dan_K''][QUOTE=''heretrix''] I think people are overestimating Blu-ray. Yes it just a A format war, but not THE format war. DVD is still king and Blu-ray flicks still cost 25 bucks and up in the big box stores (Best buy, etc.) while DVDs are half that..While the PS3 having a built in BD drive helps it, it isn't hurting MS as much as you'd think. MS seems to be doing a pretty good job of it themselves.[/QUOTE] Same could be said about DVD overcoming VHS. Or CD's overtaking cassettes.[/QUOTE]Wrong. Things are VERY different. When DVD overtook VHS, digital movie downloads and the internet connections to make it possible were still not available to the common consumer. You now have the ability to download HD movies from a video game console. There are so many ways to get video content to your TV these days that thinking that a single format is going to rise up and take DVD out is terribly shortsighted.There is Apple TV, Netflicks DLC, Your PC, Xbox 360, PS3, etc..None of these things existed before and they will all factor in the future of how you look at video content on your TV.All use the internet or PC networking in ways that wasn't possible 10 years ago.Fiber optic internet is widely available in my area. I can download a 7 gig XBL HD flick in less than 30 minutes. Open your eyes dude. You absolutely cannot predict how things will be using old methods as an example.

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