Friday, April 16, 2010

IF Microsoft supported Digital Distribut ...

Then why did they spend millions supporting hd dvd and why make sure 360 HDD aren't upgradable and also why were they in talks with sony about blu ray if they knew DD would win? First off i think sony didn't want them to get blu ray just yet so they would be less competetive and also i think MS is too prideful to admit they lost the format war. We all know DD is the future but it's the distant future and sony knows this as they said ps4 would be disc-less and i'm sure nintendo will be the same. The fact is we don't have the broadband speed yet and we have to wait till TB hard drives become the norm, eveyone knows DD is the future but it's the distant future and i'm sure Sony, nintendo and MS are ready for it but with this generation MS lost out cause i'm sure sony won't let them have blu ray just yet, maybe in future and cause hd dvd is dead MS's only way of getting hd movies across is through downloads which most people don't want and it doesn't support full 1080p, i'm sure behind closed doors MS are really nervous on what to do and how to compete with blu ray. I for one am fully behind DD but not till the distant future so this generation i think i'm with nearly everyone else, dvds/blu ray. IF Microsoft supported Digital Distribut ...
For starters its not up to Sony its up to the Blu-ray group and if ms wants blu-ray they will get it. IF Microsoft supported Digital Distribut ...
This link should help... is scum, but what corporation isnt?
Because DD won't completely replace normal distribution for yet another 10 years because of insufficent broadband capacity for most households? DD is growing.. but the casual console gaming market isn't ready for it. (Not every 10 year old GTA playing kid can get ahold of a credit card) Console market is way too casual for DD in the near future.
[QUOTE=''xTHExJUICEx'']This link should help... is scum, but what corporation isnt?[/QUOTE]lol yes its all ms fault!:roll: The war is there because of Sony/Blu-ray grp and Toshiba. They created the rival technologies. I agree that ms wants them to fail but they did not start the war.
[QUOTE=''Duckyindiana'']For starters its not up to Sony its up to the Blu-ray group and if ms wants blu-ray they will get it. [/QUOTE] New Blu Ray equipped ELITE Sku on the way anyone?

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